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Install Nametag CLI

nametag is a command-line utility that lets you work with Nametag using commands, from configuring accounts and environments to performing directory integrations. It runs on your local device so you’ll want to install the version that’s appropriate for your operating system.


If you have the Homebrew package manager installed, nametag can be installed by running:

$ brew install nametaginc/tap/nametag

If not, you can run the install script:

$ curl -L | sh

If you used curl to install nametag, then you need to add the nametag directory to your shell rc file. Check the output of the install script for the entries to copy and paste into the file. Now you can use the nametag command from any directory.


Run the install script:

$ curl -L | sh


Run the PowerShell install script:

$ pwsh -Command "iwr -useb | iex"

If you encounter an error saying the pwsh command is not found, powershell can be used instead, though we recommend installing the latest version of PowerShell.

Configure Authentication

To authenticate to your Nametag account, run:

nametag auth login

This will open a web browser and prompt you to log in to Nametag. After you log in, an authentication token will be written to ~/config/nametag/.config.yaml.

You can also use the --auth-token flag or NAMETAG_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable to specify an API key.

Next Steps

Run nametag --help for a tour of the available commands