Step 2. Customize Nametag

Step 2: Customize Nametag

To make any changes to your organization or customize a request, always start by navigating to the "Configure" tab in the top right.

Add your branding

Customize your Nametag organization so that your employees or customers know that it’s you when you ask them to verify their identity. You can set the public name that users see, add your company logo, and choose your brand colors. 

Start by clicking on "Configure", which brings you to the the "Customization" tab. Add or modify the Public name of your organization (you likely already did this during sign up). This is the name that will appear to end-users in verification requests.

If your organization is comprised of multiple groups that take on different names outwardly (for example, a holding company that uses the same helpdesk team for all of its subsidiaries), we recommend that you create more environments in the top left and repeat this process for them. We also recommend that you split out customer-facing and employee-facing use cases into different environments.

Next, scroll down and add your company's branding. Add your logo (this image should have equal width and height so that it fits in a circular frame, as shown in the preview), and edit the brand colors at the bottom of the page to better match your brand.

Configure request templates

Lastly, configure your request templates. These determine the types of information you collect, and allow you to write your own messaging to maintain your brand voice.

Start by selecting the "Request templates" tab on the left. You'll see a list with one template that has been enabled by default. Click "Create a template" in the upper-right to create more.

Nametag comes out of the box with four request templates: Customer Support Request, Comprehensive Identity Verification, Employee Verification, and High Value Transactions. You can edit these templates or create your own.

Select a template to customize, or "Start from scratch". Then use the template editor to customize your request template.

Use the editor to add or remove "scopes" from your request template. Scopes are pieces of information you'd like Nametag to collect and verify from the user. The only default scope is "legal name". To retrieve this, Nametag will ask the user to scan their ID. Other scopes such as email may involve different processes. If you're curious how they work, it's always good to try sending yourself a request with these scopes before using them in the wild.

It's important to note that adding more scopes doesn't always mean more information will be collected. For example, adding an "Age over 18" scope will simply mean that Nametag pulls this information from the ID document that is already being scanned for legal name.

Removing the caution banner

If you see a red caution banner on your account, it indicates that your organization is using a trial version of Nametag Copilot. This trial is fully functional, but is intended for testing purposes only. To remove the caution banner, contact us so we can verify that your organization is legitimate.