helpdesk cost savings
greater agent efficiency
faster lockout resolutions
better user experience

Verify your employees quickly and securely at critical moments

Image of someone saying they forgot their password and receiving a link to verify their identity with Nametag

1. Prompt Nametag anywhere

Employees tap a link or scan a QR code to open Nametag on their phone, no download required.
Image of someone scanning their driver's license

2. Verify their identity

Nametag's patented identity verification technology scans the employee's photo ID, matches it to a live selfie, and validates both.
Image of a successful identity verification result with Nametag

3. Act with confidence

Self-service users can reset their own passwords or MFA without involving IT. Agent-prompted verifications update in real time, so helpdesk agents can focus on resolving tickets.

Integrates with IAM and MFA providers like:

Microsoft logo for Azure Active Directory and Entra IDOkta logoDuo LogoOneLogin by One Identity Logo

Integrates with ticketing platforms like:

Integrated with ServiceNow for password and MFA resetsIntegrated with Zendesk for agent-assisted password and MFA resets right from Zendesk
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Right Arrow Blue
Arrows in a circle with a star in the middle


Once you've enrolled, your account is protected for life. Users can re-verify at even greater security with just a selfie.
Phone showing the Nametag express re-verification experience
Globe with a magnifying lens


Even when someone loses, ugrades, or changes their phone, Nametag can still identify and verify them.
Phone with showing the Nametag claim your nametag screen
Blue globe

Nametag works where your employees work

Map of the world made out of dots

Global coverage

11,000+ document types

A phone and chat message bubble made out of dots


Voice, chat, and email

Two mobile phones side-by-side made out of dots

Mobile native

iOS and Android

SOC2 logo
Better Business Bureau Accredited Business
California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 Compliant
Get started

Save up to 30% of your helpdesk costs while stopping the social engineering attacks that assault helpdesks every day. Prevent the next account takeover that would've led to a data breach or ransomware attack.

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